
Our team is made up of a diverse group of legal professionals. We have a special focus of bringing in experienced attorneys from different professional backgrounds in the law in order to enrich our practice.


Mr. Katz is a trusted advisor for banks, insurers and high profile individuals. His focus is primarily on complex litigation, focused on criminal charges.


Ilan obtained his law degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana. With more than 20 years of experience as a criminal litigator, he is an expert in property, banking and public servant crimes, serving as a whistleblower and defender in local and federal jurisdiction.


In 2005 he started the law firm Katz Abogados after starting other companies, in 2016 and until today he is a founding partner of Katz y Gudiño abogados, S.C.


Among the multiple studies carried out by Katz, we would like to emphasize on: Diploma in Money Laundering and Compliance, National and International perspective, sponsored by the Barra Mexicana Colegio de Abogados, A.C. and the Asociación Iberoamericana de Derecho Penal Económico y de la empresa (August 2019 to February 2020); In December 2019, he received the title Doctor Honoris Causa, by the Claustro Nacional de Doctores Honoris Causa.


Mr. Katz had a notable participation as a speaker and has taught various courses at national and international level. He is also recognized for his significant legal contributions on television, radio and specialized legal magazines.


He currently works as Coordinator of the Criminal Law Commission of the Barra Mexicana Colegio de Abogados A.C. Ilan is also Director of the Fundación Barra Mexicana A.C., where he provides free professional services and without the expectation of financial compensation (Pro Bono Labour).


His social commitment also lies in the constant collaboration with non-profit institutions focused on issues of sexual violence committed against women, where he seeks to provide the correct advice to cases that require a gender approach, such as ADIVAC (Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral de personas Violadas A.C.).


He is fluent in English and Spanish.



Mr. Gudiño is a true lawyer’s lawyer. He is the head strategist at the firm and takes a special interest in the development of every attorney at Katz & Gudiño.


He graduated from the Universidad Panamericana (1993-1998) where hereceived his law degree; he has participated extensively in criminal litigation focused on financial crimes, both in the State of Jalisco and in various States in Mexico. He has experience as a defense attorney at both local and Federal level.


In 1994, he began working at the 24th Public Notary of Guadalajara in the area of litigation with the Justice Sergio Aguirre Anguiano. In 1995 he worked at the firm Ogarrio y Asociados (1995-1997), later in 1997 he joined Medina Abogados (1997-1999), He is the founder of JGC Consultores, S.C. (1999-2015) and from 2015 has been a founding partner of Katz & Gudiño Abogados.


Juan Pablo Gudiño Coronado has studied the Specialty in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Universidad Panamericana (1996). Specialty in Constitutional Law and Amparo, Universidad Panamericana (2009). Specialty in Criminal Law, Universidad Panamericana (2010). Master in Public Law, Universidad Panamericana (2012).


Mr. Gudiño has been a Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Panamericana, teaching the subjects of Private Crime and Criminal Procedure Law (2011-2014).


He is fluent in English and Spanish



He is a graduate of the Law School of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2005-2009) where he received his law degree; he has vast experience in financial, fiscal, and banking criminal litigation, both in the local jurisdiction and in the federal jurisdiction.


In 2007, he began his professional practice at Ruvalcaba Villalobos y Cía, S.C., in 2008, he joinded the Federal District Attorney’s Office, in 2009, he joined Katz y Gudiño abogados, S.C.; in 2010, he collaborated as an associate at Katz, Cerisola y Domínguez, S.C. and in 2014, he founded Katz, Benavides, Chávez y Rodríguez, S.C., he is currently a founding partner of the firm Katz y Gudiño abogados, S.C.


Mr. Benavides studied the Specialty in Accusatory Criminal System at the Escuela Libre de Derecho (2015); he holds a Master in Financial Law Institutions at the Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City Campus. (2017); Academy of Litigation Skills Course, California Western School of Law, ACCESS Training (2017); Specialty in Criminal Law at the Escuela Libre de Derecho (2018); Diploma of Money Laundering and Compliance, National and International perspective, sponsored by the Mexican Bar, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. and the Iberoamerican Association of Economic and Business Criminal Law (2020);


He routinely participates and constantly supports the Fundación Barra Mexicana A.C., in “Pro Bono” work, as well as other non-profit institutions focused on issues of sexual violence committed against women, where it seeks to provide the correct counsel to cases that require a gender equality approach, such as ADIVAC (Association for the Integral Development of Violated People AC).



Mr. Noriega graduated from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (1964-1969).


In 1965, he joined the Manuel Ascanio González y Asociados firm. (1965-66). Later, he worked in the Legal Department of the Regional Chamber of the Food and Transformation Industry (1970-72). In 1972, he served as Manager of the Jalisco Delegation Chamber of the Rubber Industry (1972-73). In 1973 he collaborated in the García Rivera Law Office, and Associates (1973-76). He was Deputy Manager and Regional Manager of the Fiduciary Department of Banco de Comercio, S.A. Guadalajara, Regional Manager of the Department of Bancomer, S.A. Divisional Director and Fiduciary Delegate of Bancomer, S.A. Mexico, D.F. (1976-1993). He served as Executive Director of Administration and Fiduciary Operation Banco Unión, S.A. (1993 1994). Regional Director and Fiduciary Delegate Banco Internacional, S.A. (1994 1998) Director of Fiduciary Promotion and Appraisals Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, S.A. Subsequently Deputy Legal Director

of Fiduciary at BBVA Bancomer, S.A. Guadalajara. (1998 – 2009).



Carlos Aguirre focuses his legal practice on commercial and civil matters as a consulting and litigator lawyer, mainly in the financial, real estate and pharmaceutical sectors.


He obtained a degree in Law (2002) and Diploma in Constitutional Law, Amparo and Constitutional Procedure (2002), both from the Universidad Autónoma of Baja California, he studied the Postgraduate in Corporate and Economic Law (2004), Postgraduate in Law of the Mercantile Corporations (2005) and Master’s Degree in Commercial and Business Law (2010) all from the Universidad Panamericana.


His professional practice began in the Pelayo Aguirre y Asociados Law Firm (1999-2004), continued in the Public Brokerage number 22 of Jalisco (2004-2006), JGC Consultores, S.C. (2006-2007), he was Trustee Officer of Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. (2007-2012), collaborated in Mendoza & Sandoval Abogados Fiscalistas, S.C. (2012-2013), and in JGC Consultores, S.C. (currently Katz & Gudiño Abogados, S.C. (2013-to date).


In teaching, he collaborated as a professor of the subject: ‘Commercial Obligations and Contracts’ in the Master of Tax Law at the Universidad del Valle of Atemajac, UNIVA (2012), and from 2019 to date he collaborates as a professor of the subject of Banking and Monetary Law at the Universidad Panamericana, Campus of Guadalajara.


He constantly supports pro-bono services in litigation on family matters.


He is a member of the Association of Lawyers Specialists in Banking Law and he is an Expert Spanish-English Translator authorized by the Supreme Court of the State of Jalisco.


He is fluent in Spanish and English.



Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Iberoamericana León.


Trabajó del año 2008 al 2011 en la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación con el Ministro Sergio Salvador Aguirre Anguiano.


En el año 2011 se incorporó como asociado al despacho jurídico RJP Abogados, S.C., especializado en materia penal.


En el 2014 ingresó como asociado al reconocido despacho en materia penal Nassar Nassar y Asociados, S.C.


En abril del año 2021 decidió formar la firma jurídica Borrego Lavín Abogados, S.C., en la que fungió como socio, hasta febrero del 2023 en que se incorporó como socio al despacho Katz & Gudiño, S.C.


El licenciado Borrego cursó la Especialidad en Sistema Acusatorio y Juicios Orales por la Escuela Libre de Derecho (2017-2018); Especialidad en Derecho Penal por la Escuela Libre de Derecho (2018-2019); Seminario de Técnicas Avanzadas sobre Contrainterrogatorio por la Escuela Libre de Derecho y Alejandro Decastro, Abogados y Expertos (2019); Curso de Especialización en Responsabilidad de la Empresa y Compliance por la Universidad de Salamanca (2020); Diplomado en Litigación Oral por la Universidad de Salamanca (2021); Diplomado en Delincuencia Corporativa y Criminal Compliance por la Universidad de Salamanca (2021), entre otros diversos cursos y certificaciones tanto en México como en el extranjero relacionados con la materia penal y procesal penal.


Es miembro de la Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados, A.C., y colabora con la Fundación Barra Mexicana, A.C., en la prestación de servicios profesionales gratuitos y atención de asuntos pro bono.


Graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Guanajuato (2011– 2016), where she received a law degree; She has worked in public and private practice.


Ms., García joined Katz & Gudiño in 2019, where she specializes in domestic violence cases.


She has international experience, winning first place in various competencies in oral litigation in the Accusatory Criminal System, in Argentina (2015) INECIP, together with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Buenos Aires, Argentina and in the United States of America (2016), California Western School of Law, San Diego; Acceso Training and American Bar Association, ABAROLI. Likewise, he has won the first ALUMNI National Oral Litigation Competition, in 2018 (Mexico), American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative.


She has extensive experience in the Accusatory Criminal System, actively participates with Non-Governmental Organizations specialized in the implementation of the Accusatory Criminal System in Mexico, such as the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, in which within his Criminal Litigation program he serves as an assistant judge since 2017 in the national oral litigation competitions focused on law students. She is also an evaluating judge in the oral litigation competitions organized by the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


She routinle works with non-profit institutions focused on issues of sexual violence committed against women, where she provides legal assistance, such as ADIVAC (Association for the Integral Development of Raped Persons A.C.).


Ms. Gloria Guadalupe García Sandate has participated in the following postgraduate courses and courses:


Training of Trainers Course in the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative program, ABA ROLI Mexico.(July 2015); Trainer in Oral Litigation Techniques, for the intramural contest organized by the University of Guanajuato. (September 2015); Master of Laws with Specialization in Oral Litigation at California Western School of Law. (August 2017); Diploma in Money Laundering and Compliance, sponsored by the Mexican Bar, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. and the Iberoamerican Association of Business and Enonomic Criminal Law. (February 2020).


She is currently completing her Master`s in Compliance in Criminal Matters at the University of Castilla- la Mancha, Spain. (January 2020); Course on Children’s Rights and access to Justice, taught by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. (April 2020).



He is a graduate of the Law School of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he received the Law Degree (2005-2009). He has a specialty in Criminal Law, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2013); Specialty in Accusatory Criminal System, by the Escuela Libre de Derecho (2017); and the Specialty in Money Laundering Prevention and Litigation, at the National Institute of Criminal Sciences (2019-present). In addition to various Diplomas in Accusatory Criminal System, Penitentiary Law, as well as Money Laundering and Compliance, National and International Perspective, taught by the Mexican Bar, Bar Association (2019-2020).


He has served as a Trial Lawyer and Public Servant. He was a partner in the law firm González Castro & Abogados from 2011 to 2017; He was also a Trial Lawyer within the firm GHP & Abogados from 2010 to 2011. As a Public Servant, he held the position of Legal Judge, in the Directorate for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Dependent of the Undersecretariat of the Penitentiary System of the Federal District (now Mexico City).


Mr. Alba has extensive experience in the Penitentiary Law in both the common and federal courts.



He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México  (2007-2012), from which he received the degree through the preparation of a thesis on procedural-electoral matters, sustaining it in a professional exam.


He has worked as a lawyer in the litigation area in civil and commercial matters, specializing in all trials of these branches, ordinary, special, and oral trials, in addition to having extensive experience in insurance matters.

He has extensive experience in dealing with proceedings and hearings within civil and commercial litigation, from the ordinary instances to the processing of the Amparo trial in these matters; Finally, he completed the Diploma in Money Laundering and Compliance, National and International perspective, sponsored by the Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. and Asociación Iberoamericana de Derecho Penal Económico y de la Empresa (2019-2020) and completed the Amparo Trial Diploma of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2021).

He is a graduate of the Michael Faraday A.C. University Law School, receiving his law degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México  (UNAM).


He has worked as a trial lawyer in the areas of civil and commercial litigation in various legal firms, with the primary purpose of analyzing the possible contingencies that an individual could incur in the development of their daily activities, as well as the planning and projection of both judicial and extrajudicial means of defense. He has a Diploma in Money Laundering taught by the Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados, A.C.  in the period 2019 – 2020



Graduated from the Universidad Tecnológica de México (2012 – 2015) where he received a Law Degree.


In the professional field, from 2013 to 2015, he was part of firms specializing in civil and tax matters; In the month of January 2016, he started working at the firm Katz & Gudiño, S.C., specializing in the Amparo area, as well as advice and litigation in criminal matters.


Mr. Castañeda has taken various courses and diplomas, including the diploma in Tax Law at the Universidad Tecnológica de México (2015 – 2016); the Diploma in Tax Law at the Tecnológico Autónomo de México (2015 – 2016); the forensic diploma of the Accusatory Criminal Procedure System at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2016 – 2017); the International Workshop on Skills in Oral Litigation, by the Inter-American Alliance of Oral Lawyers (2019); the Diploma in Money Laundering and Compliance, National and International perspective, sponsored by the Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. and the Asociación Iberoamericana de Derecho Penal Económico y de la Empresa (2019-2020); online course “Criminal Execution”, organized by Asistencia Legal por los Derechos Humanos A.C. -ASILEGAL-, with support from the United States Agency for International Development -USAID- (2020); He attended the Diploma “Human Rights in Practice”, organized by Asistencia Legal por los Derechos Humanos A.C. -ASILEGAL-, with the support of the Courts of Justice of the States of Oaxaca, Chiapas and Guerrero (2020); He is currently studying the Specialization in Adversarial System at the Escuela Libre de Derecho.


Participates and constantly supports the Fundación Barra Mexicana A.C., in the provision of free professional services without expectation of economic compensation for the common good, “Pro Bono”.


He is a member of the Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados A.C.



She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), where she received a law degree, and completed her postgraduate studies, specializing in Family Law.


In the professional field, within the Firm, since 2018 and to date, he has specialized in advising and litigious representation of Family Lawsuits followed before the Judiciary of Mexico City, both written and oral proceedings; as well as before organs of the Judicial Power of the Federation.


In order to keep herself constantly updated, Ms. Valderett Flores has several diplomas, courses, and seminars, among which the following stand out: Diploma in Oral Trial in Family and Civil Matters, taught by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2019); Diploma in Family Oral Process, issued by the “Ius Semper” Centro Universitario Integral (2019-2020); Diploma in Money Laundering and Compliance, National and International perspective, sponsored by the Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. and Asociación Iberoamericana de Derecho Penal Económico y de la Empresa (2019-2020); Diploma in Amparo Trial (2021), as well as in Forensic Psychology specialized in children and adolescents (2021), both taught by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.


In addition, it supports the Fundación Barra Mexicana A.C., in the provision of free professional services without expectation of economic compensation for the common good, “Pro Bono”.



She is a graduate of the Universidad del Valle de México campus Lomas Verdes (2014-2018) where she received a law degree; She has practiced as a legal advisor and private defender in financial, fiscal and domestic violence crimes, in both the local and federal courts.


In practice since 2016 when she joined Katz & Gudiño, S.C.


Ms. Méndez has taken various courses, including the Diploma in Money Laundering and Compliance, National and International perspective, sponsored by the Mexican Bar, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. and the Iberoamerican Association of Economic and Business Criminal Law (2020).


She constantly engages in “Pro Bono” work for the Barra Mexicana A.C. Foundation.



He is a graduate of the Escuela Libre de Derecho. He studied the Specialty in Accusatory Criminal System in Mexico, from which he graduated from the Escuela Libre de Derecho. He has participated in various forums on issues of the Accusatory System and Criminal Law. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Amparo Trial and Accusatory System at the National Institute for Higher Studies in Criminal Law.


Mr. Haber has worked as a criminal litigator in various law firms, representing both individuals and companies, in every aspect of criminal litigation. He previously held the post of legal director of procedural strategies in the Accusatory System for the company IKÉ Asistencia, where he was in charge of training land coordinating lawyers.


He is fluent in English and Spanish.



Graduated from Universidad Anahuac México, North Campus, where she received a Law Degree (2001-2009), she has extensive experience in immigration and criminal matters.


She has experience in immigration and gaming law and is part of Katz & Gudiño S.C. since 2019, where her main focus is Domestic Violence cases.


Ms. Avilés has taken various courses, including the Diploma in Money Laundering and Compliance, National and International perspective, sponsored by the Mexican Bar, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. and the Iberoamerican Association of Economic and Business Criminal Law (2020).


She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Barra Mexicana A.C. Foundation.


She is fluent in English and Spanish.



Mr. López is a graduate of the University of Guadalajara (2012-2017), where he coursed the pre-course in Criminal Law, Constitutional Law and Amparo from the Panamerican University, Guadalajara campus.


He has participated in various seminars and courses aimed at updating the adversarial accusatory system, and litigation skills in said system.


He holds a master’s in public law from the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara.


He has worked as a lawyer responsible for the areas of civil, commercial and amparo litigation in various legal firms and has been part of the Katz & Gudino firm since June 2017, working in the area of criminal defense.



Mr. de León graduated from the Universidad Del Valle de Atemajac. He has served as a trial lawyer and public servant.


Mr. Gerardo de León practiced within the Jalisco State Prosecutor General’s Office from 2013 to 2018, in May 2018 joined Katz & Gudiño.


He has completed the postgraduate course in constitutional and constitutional protection given by the Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara, Diploma in the New System of Adversarial Criminal Justice carried out by the CNOP, Diploma in Service to users in public dependencies by part of the Secretary of Public Education National Educational System, participated in the Seminar on selected topics of Criminal Law in the XXI century taught by the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara, completed the course on human rights, electoral crimes course, course of introduction to the new Criminal Accusatory System, all taught by the Institute of Training and Professionalization of the Attorney General of the State of Jalisco, as well as various online courses taught by the same Institute of Training and Professionalization of the General Prosecutor of the State of Jalisco.



Ms. Cervantes is a graduate of the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Guadalajara.


She has practiced as in the judiciary at Family Court. She joined Katz & Gudiño, in 2016, advising clients in Civil and Commercial litigation. Her focus lies advising clients in at trial and mediation.

